We help build Business & Cybersecurity Resilience.

Protect your business against current & emerging cyber threats.

Quantum Evolve helps your recovery from data breaches & cybersecurity attacks


Quantum Evolve makes your business more effective


Quantum Evolve helps you with your technology choices


Make your business more secure with Quantum Evolve


Quantum Evolve helps your recovery from data breaches & cybersecurity attacks --- Quantum Evolve makes your business more effective --- Quantum Evolve helps you with your technology choices --- Make your business more secure with Quantum Evolve ---

Flexibility to cater for ever-changing business requirements, market dynamics & emerging risks.

Quantum Evolve’s People-Based solutions provide value-based services in Digital, Cyber & Customer Transformation.

Complement your business with a frictionless means to utilise Quantum Evolve’s people, process & technology.

Drive end-to-end implementations & convert resource requirements into action - faster!

Accelerate the development of your cyber & digital services & experiences.

Protect your business against real-world cyber threats.

Quantum Evolve’s innovative cybersecurity assessments provide your business with a “single pane of glass” understanding of the risks throughout its digital ecosystem.

Identify emerging cyber threats, existing vulnerabilities & cyber risks with our comprehensive 360-degree view of your current security controls & capabilities.

Through continuous assessment, our solutions provide you with a near real time view of your cyber risks, allowing you to identify & mitigate them quickly & efficiently. 

Quantum Evolve’s pioneering Cybersecurity Posture & Protection Digital Platform presents you with a complete, prioritised risk-based remediation plan, bespoke to your business.

Quantum Evolve’s pioneering services & solutions enhance your business & cybersecurity resilience.

  • Information & Cyber Risk

    “Quantum Evolve’s team demonstrated exceptional knowledge, expertise & professionalism throughout the engagement.

    I have no doubt that our cybersecurity posture is significantly enhanced because of their work.”

    Head of Operations, UK Wholesale Bank

  • Cyber Risk & Compliance

    “From the outset of engaging with Quantum Evolve, they demonstrated a clear understanding of our business, our industry & the regulatory environment in which we operate.

    Providing invaluable insights & guidance that helped us in managing Information & Cyber Risk, I would recommend Quantum Evolve’s services to any organisation that is looking for a reliable & experienced cybersecurity consultancy.”

    Head of IT, UK Wholesale Bank

  • Cybersecurity Posture Assessment

    “We couldn't be happier with the results from the Cybersecurity Posture Assessment Quantum Evolve conducted for our healthcare company.

    Thanks to Quantum Evolve, we are well-equipped to prevent & respond to any cybersecurity threats.”

    Group Head of Security & IT Governance, NHS Healthcare Provider

  • Sensitive Data Secured

    “Quantum Evolve’s consultancy team conducted a thorough assessment of our current cybersecurity measures, including our network security, data encryption, access controls & employee training.

    Potential vulnerabilities were identified & actionable recommendations provided to address these issues & improve our overall cybersecurity posture.

    We feel confident that the highly sensitive information we gather & process remains secure.”

    Head of ICT, NHS Healthcare Provider

  • Tailored Services

    “From the outset, Quantum Evolve’s consultancy team demonstrated a deep understanding of the mobile & IT security landscape & their recommendations were tailored to our unique needs.

    We found Quantum Evolve to be highly competent, professional & dedicated to delivering results.

    We have no hesitation in recommending their services to any mobile operator seeking to strengthen its cybersecurity defences.”

    COO, UK Mobile Operator

  • Mobile Device & Infrastructure Risk Assessment

    “The security & protection of our customers' data is of utmost importance to us.

    Quantum Evolve carried out a Mobile Device & Infrastructure Risk Assessment & Controls Assurance Review across our IT Network, Perimeter Security & IT General Controls.

    We were extremely impressed with the quality of work provided by Quantum Evolve & look forward to continuing our partnership with them in the future.”

    CTO, UK Mobile Operator