Meet the Core Team

  • Chairperson

    Mo is our wise owl.

    An amazing mentor with his extensive knowledge in Strategic Leadership, Business Transformation, Growth, Mergers and Acquisitions, and International Marketing, he is the person we go to when we need a new take on things.

    Mo’s significant board-level experience and management of businesses in technology and emerging markets sees him in good stead to steer the Quantum Evolve Business Enablement and Cyber Resilence journey to new heights.

    Mo’s passion for diversity and equality has no bounds and is a super added value for our customers, partners and employees.

  • Head of Finance

    Tamara is an outstanding Head of Finance who never stops learning.

    She enjoys the buzz of a new challenge which is much needed in the world of Business Enablement and Cyber Resiliency!

    Tamara’s ability to influence and collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders is instrumental in managing Quantum Evolve’s finance department.

    She is self directed and sensitive to other peoples needs, making her a valued leader and team player.

  • Chief Executive Officer

    Mark is leading the charge to deliver and grow Quantum Evolve into a world-class Business Enablement and Cyber Resilience consultancy.

    Mark has successfully founded and created several consultancies, and has supported leading academic institutions with research into emerging cyber threats.

    He has also found the time to contribute towards the development of internationally recognised cybersecurity standards, and is a noted Subject Matter Expert and experienced conference speaker and guest lecturer.

    Whether you label Mark as a “cybersecurity freak” or passionate about the world of cyber, two things are for sure - his knowledge and ability are immense!

    Our customers and partners hold him in incredibly high regard, and we learn so much from him on a day-to-day basis.

  • Projects Office

    Nicky is a fundamental part of Quantum Evolve with her calm persona, composure under pressure, love of process and trustworthy nature.

    She succeeds in coordinating our People services as she has extensive experience dealing with contractors, partners and suppliers, as well as considerable people skills.

    Nicky has built up significant relationships with our clients and they have come to rely on her dependable abilities and quick turnaround to their requests. In fact, we all have!

    With a background working in Tax and Accounting, Nicky is also an essential member of the Finance team.

  • Chief Technology Officer

    Paul is a self-confessed “tech freak” who believes in people and products.

    What better person to be responsible for Quantum Evolve’s Cyber Resilience and the innovation and development of technology!

    Paul’s cybersecurity background comes from years spent in Banking, FinTech and AI start-ups, and his experience covers CTO, CIO, CSO and Global Head.

    With a reputation for success and a person who “gets on with the job”, Paul has a proven track record managing high profile IT and Business Change Programmes through to successful completion.

    Using humour and his superb people skills, Paul is a fantastic person to work with, and an admirable, trusted and diplomatic team leader.

  • Head of Marketing & Communications

    Sarah is a “doer” and likes nothing more than coming up with ideas, being creative and getting her hands dirty to help the team (which is handy as she’s our “go to” person to get things done).

    Effectively shaping and fashioning brands in several professional services consultancies, Sarah is a great communicator, driving projects forward with her natural style.

    With a career in SMEs working closely with business development and sales teams, Quantum Evolve has embraced her knowledge and skill (and perfectionist ways) to consistently deliver on the high expectations of the company.